Network Security Concepts and Policies
In this chapter, you learn about the following topics:
concepts in network security, including identification of common
vulnerabilities and threats, and mitigation strategies
of a security architecture using a lifecycle approach, including the
phases of the process, their dependencies, and the importance of a sound
security policy
The open nature of the Internet makes it vital
for businesses to pay attention to the security of their networks. As
companies move more of their business functions to the public network,
they need to take precautions to ensure that the data cannot be
compromised and that the data is not accessible to anyone who is not
authorized to see it.
Unauthorized network access by an
outside hacker or a disgruntled employee can cause damage or
destruction to proprietary data, negatively affect company productivity,
and impede the capability to compete. The Computer Security Institute
reported in its 2010/2011 CSI Computer Crime and Security Survey
(available at that on an average day, 41.1
percent of respondents dealt with at least one security incident (see
page 11 of the survey). Unauthorized network access can also harm
relationships with customers and business partners, who might question
the capability of a company to protect its confidential information. The
definition of “data location” is being blurred by cloud computing
services and other service trends. Individuals and corporations benefit
from the elastic deployment of services in the cloud, available at all
times from any device, but these dramatic changes in the business
services industry exacerbate the risks in protecting data and the
entities using it (individuals, businesses, governments, and so on).
Security policies and architectures require sound principles and a
lifecycle approach, including whether the data is in the server farm,
mobile on the employee’s laptop, or stored in the cloud.
start on our network security quest, this chapter examines the need for
security, looks at what you are trying to protect, and examines the
different trends for attacks and protection and the principles of secure
network design. These concepts are important not only for succeeding
with the IINS 640-554 exam, but they are fundamentals at all security
endeavors on which you will be embarking.
Building Blocks of Information Security
and maintaining a secure computing environment is increasingly more
difficult as networks become increasingly interconnected and data flows
ever more freely. In the commercial world, connectivity is no longer
optional, and the possible risks of connectivity do not outweigh the
benefits. Therefore, it is very important to enable networks to support
security services that provide adequate protection to companies that
conduct business in a relatively open environment. This section explains
the breadth of assumptions and challenges to establish and maintain a
secure network environment.
Basic Security Assumptions
Several new assumptions have to be made about computer networks because of their evolution over the years:
- Modern networks are very large, very interconnected, and run both ubiquitous protocols (such as IP) and proprietary protocols. Therefore, they are often open to access, and a potential attacker can with relative ease attach to, or remotely access, such networks. Widespread IP internetworking increases the probability that more attacks will be carried out over large, heavily interconnected networks, such as the Internet.
- Computer systems and applications that are attached to these networks are becoming increasingly complex. In terms of security, it becomes more difficult to analyze, secure, and properly test the security of the computer systems and applications; it is even more so when virtualization is involved. When these systems and their applications are attached to large networks, the risk to computing dramatically increases.
Basic Security Requirements
provide adequate protection of network resources, the procedures and
technologies that you deploy need to guarantee three things, sometimes
referred to as the CIA triad:
- Confidentiality: Providing confidentiality of data guarantees that only authorized users can view sensitive information.
- Integrity: Providing integrity of data guarantees that only authorized users can change sensitive information and provides a way to detect whether data has been tampered with during transmission; this might also guarantee the authenticity of data.
- Availability of systems and data: System and data availability provides uninterrupted access by authorized users to important computing resources and data.
When designing network security, a designer must be aware of the following:
- The threats (possible attacks) that could compromise security
- The associated risks of the threats (that is, how relevant those threats are for a particular system)
- The cost to implement the proper security countermeasures for a threat
- A cost versus benefit analysis to determine whether it is worthwhile to implement the security countermeasures
Data, Vulnerabilities, and Countermeasures
viruses, worms, and hackers monopolize the headlines about information
security, risk management is the most important aspect of security
architecture for administrators. A less exciting and glamorous area,
risk management is based on specific principles and concepts that are
related to asset protection and security management.
asset is anything of value to an organization. By knowing which assets
you are trying to protect, as well as their value, location, and
exposure, you can more effectively determine the time, effort, and money
to spend in securing those assets.
A vulnerability is a
weakness in a system or its design that could be exploited by a threat.
Vulnerabilities are sometimes found in the protocols themselves, as in
the case of some security weaknesses in TCP/IP. Often, the
vulnerabilities are in the operating systems and applications.
security policies might also be a source of vulnerabilities. This is
the case when written policies are too lax or are not thorough enough in
providing a specific approach or line of conduct to network
administrators and users.
A threat is any potential
danger to assets. A threat is realized when someone or something
identifies a specific vulnerability and exploits it, creating exposure.
If the vulnerability exists theoretically but has not yet been
exploited, the threat is considered latent. The entity that takes
advantage of the vulnerability is known as the threat agent or threat
A risk is the likelihood that a particular
threat using a specific attack will exploit a particular vulnerability
of a system that results in an undesirable consequence. Although the
roof of the data center might be vulnerable to being penetrated by a
falling meteor, for example, the risk is minimal because the likelihood
of that threat being realized is negligible.
If you have a vulnerability but there is no threat toward that vulnerability, technically you have no risk Pass4sure 210-260.
exploit happens when computer code is developed to take advantage of a
vulnerability. For example, suppose that a vulnerability exists in a
piece of software, but nobody knows about this vulnerability. Although
the vulnerability exists theoretically, there is no exploit yet
developed for it. Because there is no exploit, there really is no
problem yet.
A countermeasure is a safeguard that
mitigates a potential risk. A countermeasure mitigates risk either by
eliminating or reducing the vulnerability or by reducing the likelihood
that a threat agent will be able to exploit the risk.
Key Concepts
- An asset is anything of value to an organization.
- A vulnerability is a weakness in a system or its design that could be exploited by a threat.
- A threat is a potential danger to information or systems.
- A risk is the likelihood that a particular vulnerability will be exploited.
- An exploit is an attack performed against a vulnerability.
- A countermeasure (safeguard) is the protection that mitigates the potential risk.
Data Classification
optimally allocate resources and secure assets, it is essential that
some form of data classification exists. By identifying which data has
the most worth, administrators can put their greatest effort toward
securing that data. Without classification, data custodians find it
almost impossible to adequately secure the data, and IT management finds
it equally difficult to optimally allocate resources.
information classification is a regulatory requirement (required by
law), in which case there might be liability issues that relate to the
proper care of data. By classifying data correctly, data custodians can
apply the appropriate confidentiality, integrity, and availability
controls to adequately secure the data, based on regulatory, liability,
and ethical requirements. When an organization takes classification
seriously, it illustrates to everyone that the company is taking
information security seriously.
The methods and labels
applied to data differ all around the world, but some patterns do
emerge. The following is a common way to classify data that many
government organizations, including the military, use:
- Unclassified: Data that has little or no confidentiality, integrity, or availability requirements and therefore little effort is made to secure it.
- Restricted: Data that if leaked could have undesirable effects on the organization. This classification is common among NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) countries but is not used by all nations.
- Confidential: Data that must comply with confidentiality requirements. This is the lowest level of classified data in this scheme.
- Secret: Data for which you take significant effort to keep secure because its disclosure could lead to serious damage. The number of individuals who have access to this data is usually considerably fewer than the number of people who are authorized to access confidential data.
- Top secret: Data for which you make great effort and sometimes incur considerable cost to guarantee its secrecy since its disclosure could lead to exceptionally grave damage. Usually a small number of individuals have access to top-secret data, on condition that there is a need to know.
- Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU): A popular classification by government that designates data that could prove embarrassing if revealed, but no great security breach would occur. SBU is a broad category that also includes the For Official Use Only designation.
It is important to point
out that there is no actual standard for private-sector classification.
Furthermore, different countries tend to have different approaches and
labels. Nevertheless, it can be instructive to examine a common, private
sector classification scheme:
- Public: Companies often display public data in marketing literature or on publicly accessible websites.
- Sensitive: Data in this classification is similar to the SBU classification in the government model. Some embarrassment might occur if this data is revealed, but no serious security breach is involved.
- Private: Private data is important to an organization. You make an effort to maintain the secrecy and accuracy of this data.
- Confidential: Companies make the greatest effort to secure confidential data. Trade secrets and employee personnel files are examples of what a company would commonly classify as confidential.
Regardless of the
classification labeling used, what is certain is that as the security
classification of a document increases, the number of staff that should
have access to that document should decrease, as illustrated in Figure
Figure 1-1. Ratio: Staff Access to Information Security Classification
Many factors go into the decision of how to classify certain data. These factors include the following:
- Value: Value is the number one criterion. Not all data has the same value. The home address and medical information of an employee is considerably more sensitive (valuable) than the name of the chief executive officer (CEO) and the main telephone number of the company.
- Age: For many types of data, its importance changes with time. For example, an army general will go to great lengths to restrict access to military secrets. But after the war is over, the information is gradually less and less useful and eventually is declassified.
- Useful life: Often data is valuable for only a set window of time, and after that window has expired, there is no need to keep it classified. An example of this type of data is confidential information about the products of a company. The useful life of the trade secrets of products typically expires when the company no longer sells the product.
- Personal association: Data of this type usually involves something of a personal nature. Much of the government data regarding employees is of this nature. Steps are usually taken to protect this data until the person is deceased.
further understand the value of information, think about the Federal
Reserve Bank (commonly called the Fed) and the discount rate it sets.
The discount rate is, in essence, the interest rate charged to
commercial banks by the Fed.
Periodically, the Fed
announces a new discount rate. Typically, if the rate is higher than the
previous rate, the stock market reacts with sell-offs. If the discount
rate is lower, the stock market rises.
moments before the Fed announces the new discount rate, that information
is worth gazillions of dollars. However, the value of this information
drops to nothing when it hits the wire, because everyone then has free
access to the information.
For a classification system
to work, there must be different roles that are fulfilled. The most
common of these roles are as follows:
- Owner: The owner is the person who is ultimately responsible for the information, usually a senior-level manager who is in charge of a business unit. The owner classifies the data and usually selects custodians of the data and directs their actions. It is important that the owner periodically review the classified data because the owner is ultimately responsible for the data.
- Custodian: The custodian is usually a member of the IT staff who has the day-to-day responsibility for data maintenance. Because the owner of the data is not required to have technical knowledge, the owner decides the security controls but the custodian marks the data to enforce these security controls. To maintain the availability of the data, the custodian regularly backs up the data and ensures that the backup media is secure. Custodians also periodically review the security settings of the data as part of their maintenance responsibilities.
User: Users bear no responsibility for the
classification of data or even the maintenance of the classified data.
However, users do bear responsibility for using the data in accordance
with established operational procedures so that they maintain the
security of the data while it is in their possession.
Vulnerabilities Classifications
is also important to understand the weaknesses in security
countermeasures and operational procedures. This understanding results
in more effective security architectures. When analyzing system
vulnerabilities, it helps to categorize them in classes to better
understand the reasons for their emergence. You can classify the main
vulnerabilities of systems and assets using broad categories:
- Policy flaws
- Design errors
- Protocol weaknesses
- Software vulnerabilities
- Misconfiguration
- Hostile code
- Human factor
list mentions just a few of the vulnerability categories. For each of
these categories, multiple vulnerabilities could be listed.
are several industry efforts that are aimed at categorizing threats for
the public domain. These are some well-known, publicly available
catalogs that may be used as templates for vulnerability analysis:
- Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE): A dictionary of publicly known information security vulnerabilities and exposures. It can be found at The database provides common identifiers that enable data exchange between security products, providing a baseline index point for evaluating coverage of tools and services.
- National Vulnerability Database (NVD): The U.S. government repository of standards-based vulnerability management data. This data enables automation of vulnerability management, security measurement, and compliance. NVD includes databases of security checklists, security-related software flaws, misconfigurations, product names, and impact metrics. The database can be found at
- Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS): A standard within the computer and networking fields for assessing and classifying security vulnerabilities. This standard is focused on rating a vulnerability compared to others, thus helping the administrator to set priorities. This standard was adopted by significant players in the industry such as McAfee, Qualys, Tenable, and Cisco. More information can be found, including the database and calculator, at
Countermeasures Classification
assets (data) and vulnerabilities, threats are the most important
component to understand. Threat classification and analysis, as part of
the risk management architecture, will be described later in this
Once threat vectors are considered,
organizations rely on various controls to accomplish in-depth defense as
part of their security architecture. There are several ways to classify
these security controls; one of them is based on the nature of the
control itself. These controls fall into one of three categories:
- Administrative: Controls that are largely policies and procedures
- Technical: Controls that involve electronics, hardware, software, and so on
- Physical: Controls that are mostly mechanical
- Later in this chapter, we will discuss models and frameworks from different organizations that can be used to implement network security best practices.
Administrative Controls
controls are largely policy and procedure driven. You will find many of
the administrative controls that help with an enterprise’s information
security in the human resources department. Some of these controls are
as follows:
- Security-awareness training
- Security policies and standards
- Change controls and configuration controls
- Security audits and tests
- Good hiring practices
- Background checks of contractors and employees
example, if an organization has strict hiring practices that require
drug testing and background checks for all employees, the organization
will likely hire fewer individuals of questionable character. With fewer
people of questionable character working for the company, it is likely
that there will be fewer problems with internal security issues. These
controls do not single-handedly secure an enterprise, but they are an
important part of an information security program.
Technical Controls
controls are extremely important to a good information security
program, and proper configuration and maintenance of these controls will
significantly improve information security. The following are examples
of technical controls:
- Firewalls
- Intrusion prevention systems (IPS)
- Virtual private network (VPN) concentrators and clients
- TACACS+ and RADIUS servers
- One-time password (OTP) solutions
- Smart cards
- Biometric authentication devices
- Network Admission Control (NAC) systems
- Routers with ACLs
book focuses on technical controls because implementing the Cisco
family of security products is the primary topic. However, it is
important to remember that a comprehensive security program requires
much more than technology.
Physical Controls
trying to secure an environment with good technical and administrative
controls, it is also necessary that you lock the doors in the data
center. This is an example of a physical control. Other examples of
physical controls include the following:
- Intruder detection systems
- Security guards
- Locks
- Safes
- Racks
- Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS)
- Fire-suppression systems
- Positive air-flow systems
security professionals examine physical security requirements, life
safety (protecting human life) should be their number one concern. Good
planning is needed to balance life safety concerns against security
concerns. For example, permanently barring a door to prevent
unauthorized physical access might prevent individuals from escaping in
the event of a fire. By the way, physical security is a field that Cisco
entered a few years ago. More information on those products can be
found at
Convergence of Physical and Technical Security
of the best examples of the convergence of physical and technical
security I have witnessed was during a technical visit with a bank in
Doha, Qatar, a few weeks before the grand opening of their new head
office. They had extensive physical security, using a mix of contactless
smart cards and biometrics.
They had cleverly linked
the login system for traders to the physical security system. For
instance, a trader coming to work in the morning had to use his smart
card to enter the building, to activate the turnstile, to call the exact
floor where the elevator was to stop, and to be granted access through
the glass doors of the trading floors. The movements of the traders were
recorded by the physical security systems. Minutes later, upon logging
in to perform the first trade of the day, the trading authentication,
authorization, and accounting (AAA) system queried the physical security
system about the location of the trader. The trader was granted access
to the trading system only when the physical security system confirmed
to the trading AAA system that the trader was physically on the trading
Controls are also categorized by the type of control they are:
- Preventive: The control prevents access.
- Deterrent: The control deters access.
- Detective: The control detects access.
three categories of controls can be any one of the three types of
controls; for example, a preventive control can be administrative,
physical, or technical.
security control is any mechanism that you put in place to reduce the
risk of compromise of any of the three CIA objectives: confidentiality,
integrity, and availability.
Preventive controls exist
to prevent compromise. This statement is true whether the control is
administrative, technical, or physical. The ultimate purpose for these
controls is to stop security breaches before they happen.
a good security design also prepares for failure, recognizing that
prevention will not always work. Therefore, detective controls are also
part of a comprehensive security program because they enable you to
detect a security breach and to determine how the network was breached.
With this knowledge, you should be able to better secure the data the
next time.
With effective detective controls in place,
the incident response can use the detective controls to figure out what
went wrong, allowing you to immediately make changes to policies to
eliminate a repeat of that same breach. Without detective controls, it
is extremely difficult to determine what you need to change.
controls are designed to scare away a certain percentage of adversaries
to reduce the number of incidents. Cameras in bank lobbies are a good
example of a deterrent control. The cameras most likely deter at least
some potential bank robbers. The cameras also act as a detective
To be more concrete, examples of types of physical controls include the following:
- Preventive: Locks on doors
- Deterrent: Video surveillance
- Detective: Motion sensor
is not always possible to classify a control into only one category or
type. Sometimes there is overlap in the definitions, as in the case of
the previously mentioned bank lobby cameras. They serve as both
deterrent and detective controls.
Need for Network Security
goals and risk analysis drive the need for network security. For a
while, information security was influenced to some extent by fear,
uncertainty, and doubt. Examples of these influences included the fear
of a new worm outbreak, the uncertainty of providing web services, or
doubts that a particular leading-edge security technology would fail.
But we realized that regardless of the security implications, business
needs had to come first.
If your business cannot
function because of security concerns, you have a problem. The security
system design must accommodate the goals of the business, not hinder
them. Therefore, risk management involves answering two key questions:
What does the cost-benefit analysis of your security system tell you?
How will the latest attack techniques play out in your network environment?
Dealing with Risk
There are actually four ways to deal with risk:
This is where we IT managers evolve and it is the main focus of this
book. We are responsible for mitigating the risks. Four activities
contribute to reducing risks:
Creating a secure environment by not allowing actions that would cause
risks to occur, such as installing a firewall, using encryption systems
and strong authentication, and so on
Assurance: Ensuring policies, standards, and practices are followed
Detection: Detecting intrusion attempts and taking appropriate action to terminate the intrusion
Recovery: Restoring the system to operational state
This is not an option for an IT manager. The moment you become aware of
a risk, you must acknowledge that risk and decide how to deal with it:
accept this risk, transfer this risk, or reduce this risk.
This means that you document that there is a risk, but take no action
to mitigate that risk because the risk is too far-fetched or the
mitigation costs are too prohibitive.
Transfer: This is buying insurance against a risk that cannot be eliminated or reduced further.
Figure 1-2 illustrates the key factors you should consider when designing a secure network:
Business needs: What does your organization want to do with the network?
Risk analysis: What is the risk and cost balance?
Security policy: What are the policies, standards, and guidelines that you need to address business needs and risks?
Industry best practices: What are the reliable, well-understood, and recommended security best practices?
operations: These operations include incident response, monitoring,
maintenance, and auditing the system for compliance.
Figure 1-2
Figure 1-2. Factors Affecting the Design of a Secure Network
Risk management and security policies will be detailed later in this chapter.
Intent Evolution
viewed from the perspective of motivation intersecting with
opportunity, risk management can be driven not only by the techniques or
sophistication of the attackers and threat vectors, but also by their
motives. Research reveals that hackers are increasingly motivated by
profit, where in the past they were motivated by notoriety and fame. In
instances of attacks carried out for financial gains, hackers are not
looking for attention, which makes their exploits harder to detect. Few
signatures exist or will ever be written to capture these “custom”
threats. In order to be successful in defending your environments, you
must employ a new model to catch threats across the infrastructure.
are also motivated by government or industrial espionage. The Stuxnet
worm, whose earliest versions appear to date to 2009, is an example.
This worm differs from its malware “cousins” in that it has a specific,
damaging goal: to traverse industrial control systems, such as
supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, so that it can
reprogram the programmable logic controllers, possibly disrupting
industrial operations.
This worm was not created to
gather credit card numbers to sell off to the highest bidder, or to sell
fake pharmaceuticals. This worm appears to have been created solely to
invade public or private infrastructure. The cleverness of Stuxnet lies
in its ability to traverse non-networked systems, which means that even
systems unconnected to networks or the Internet are at risk.
experts have called Stuxnet “the smartest malware ever.” This worm
breaks the malware mold because it is designed to disrupt industrial
control systems in critical infrastructure. This ability should be a
concern for every government.
Motivation can also so be
political or in the form of vigilantism. Anonymous is currently the
best known hacktivist group. As a recent example of its activities, in
May 2012, Anonymous attacked the website of the Quebec government after
its promulgation of a law imposing new requirements for the right to
protest by college and university students.
Threat Evolution
nature and sophistication of threats, as well as their pervasiveness
and global nature, are trends to watch.Figure 1-3 shows how the threats
that organizations face have evolved over the past few decades, and how
the growth rate of vulnerabilities that are reported in operating
systems and applications is rising. The number and variety of viruses
and worms that have appeared over the past three years is daunting, and
their rate of propagation is frightening. There have been unacceptable
levels of business outages and expensive remediation projects that
consume staff, time, and funds that were not originally budgeted for
such tasks.
Figure 1-3
Figure 1-3. Shrinking Time Frame from Knowledge of Vulnerability to Release of Exploits
exploits are designed to have global impact in minutes. Blended
threats, which use multiple means of propagation, are more sophisticated
than ever. The trends are becoming regional and global in nature. Early
attacks affected single systems or one organization network, while
attacks that are more recent are affecting entire regions. For example,
attacks have expanded from individual denial of service (DoS) attacks
from a single attacker against a single target, to large-scale
distributed DoS (DDoS) attacks emanating from networks of compromised
systems that are known as botnets.
Threats are also
becoming persistent. After an attack starts, attacks may appear in waves
as infected systems join the network. Because infections are so complex
and have so many end users (employees, vendors, and contractors),
multiple types of endpoints (company desktop, home, and server), and
multiple types of access (wired, wireless, VPN, and dial-up), infections
are difficult to eradicate.
More recent threat vectors
are increasingly sophisticated, and the motivation of the attackers is
reflected in their impact. Recent threat vectors include the following:
- Cognitive threats via social networks (likejacking): Social engineering takes a new meaning in the era of social networking. From phishing attacks that target social network accounts of high-profile individuals, to information exposure due to lack of policy, social networks have become a target of choice for malicious attackers.
- PDA and consumer electronics exploits: The operating systems on consumer devices (smartphones, PDAs, and so on) are an option of choice for high-volume attacks. The proliferation of applications for these operating systems, and the nature of the development and certification processes for those applications, augments the problem.
- Widespread website compromises: Malicious attackers compromise popular websites, making the sites download malware to connecting users. Attackers typically are not interested in the data on the website, but use it as a springboard to infect the users of the site.
- Disruption of critical infrastructure: The Stuxnet malware, which exploits holes in Windows systems and targets a specific Siemens supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) program with sabotage, confirmed concerns about an increase in targeted attacks aimed at the power grid, nuclear plants, and other critical infrastructure.
- Virtualization exploits: Device and service virtualization add more complexity to the network. Attackers know this and are increasingly targeting virtual servers, virtual switches, and trust relationships at the hypervisor level.
- Memory scraping: Increasingly popular, this technique is aimed at fetching information directly from volatile memory. The attack tries to exploit operating systems and applications that leave traces of data in memory. Attacks are particularly aimed at encrypted information that may be processed as unencrypted in volatile memory.
- Hardware hacking: These attacks are aimed at exploiting the hardware architecture of specific devices, with consumer devices being increasingly popular. Attack methods include bus sniffing, altering firmware, and memory dumping to find crypto keys.
- IPv6-based attacks: These attacks could become more pervasive as the migration to IPv6 becomes widespread. Attackers are focusing initially on covert channels through various tunneling techniques, and man-in-the middle attacks leverage IPv6 to exploit IPv4 in dual-stack deployments.
Trends Affecting Network Security
trends in business, technology, and innovation influence the need for
new paradigms in information security. Mobility is one trend. Expect to
see billions of new network mobile devices moving into the enterprise
worldwide over the next few years. Taking into consideration constant
reductions and streamlining in IT budgets, organizations face serious
challenges in supporting a growing number of mobile devices at a time
when their resources are being reduced.
The second
market transition is cloud computing and cloud services. Organizations
of all kinds are taking advantage of offerings such as Software as a
Service (SaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) to reduce costs
and simplify the deployment of new services and applications.
cloud services add challenges in visibility (how do you identify and
mitigate threats that come to and from a trusted network?), control (who
controls the physical assets, encryption keys, and so on?), and trust
(do you trust cloud partners to ensure that critical application data is
still protected when it is off the enterprise network?).
third market transition is about changes to the workplace experience.
Borders are blurring in the organization between consumers and workers
and between the various functions within the organization. The borders
between the company and its partners, customers, and suppliers, are also
fading. As a result, the network is experiencing increasing demand to
connect anyone, any device, anywhere, at any time.
changes represent a challenge to security teams within the
organization. These teams now need to manage noncontrolled consumer
devices, such as a personal tablet, coming into the network, and provide
seamless and context-aware services to users all over the world. The
location of the data and services accessed by the users is almost
irrelevant. The data could be internal to the organization or it could
be in the cloud. This situation makes protecting data and services a
challenging proposition.
interested in staying current with Network Security trends and
technologies could subscribe to some of the numerous podcasts available
on iTunes, such as:
- Cisco Interactive Network TechWiseTV
- Security Now!
- Security Wire Weekly
- Silver Bullet Security
- Crypto-Gram Security
are increasingly politically and financially motivated, driven by
botnets, and aimed at critical infrastructure; for example:
- Botnets are used for spam, data theft, mail relays, or simply for denial-of-service attacks (ref:
- Zeus botnets reached an estimated 3.6 million bots, infected workstations, or “zombies” (ref:
- Stuxnet was aimed at industrial systems.
- Malware is downloaded inadvertently from online marketplaces.
of the trends in threats is the exploitation of trust. Whether they are
creating malware that can subvert industrial processes or tricking
social network users into handing over login and password information,
cybercriminals have a powerful weapon at their disposal: the
exploitation of trust. Cybercriminals have become skilled at convincing
users that their infected links and URLs are safe to click, and that
they are someone the user knows and trusts. Hackers exploit the trust we
have in TinyURLs and in security warning banners. With stolen security
credentials, cybercriminals can freely interact with legitimate software
and systems.
Nowhere is this tactic more widespread
than within social networking, where cybercriminals continue to attract
victims who are willing to share information with people they believe
are known to them, with malware such as Koobface. One noticeable shift
in social engineering is that criminals are spending more time figuring
out how to assume someone’s identity, perhaps by generating emails from
an individual’s computer or social networking account. A malware-laden
email or scam sent by a “trusted person” is more likely to elicit a
click-through response than the same message sent by a stranger.
originating from countries outside of the United States are rapidly
increasing. Global annual spam volumes actually dropped in 2010, the
first time this has happened in the history of the Internet. However,
spammers are originating in increasingly varied locations and countries.
muling is the practice of hiring individuals as “mules,” recruited by
handlers or “wranglers” to set up bank accounts, or even use their own
bank accounts, to assist in the transfer of money from the account of a
fraud victim to another location, usually overseas, via a wire transfer
or automated clearing house (ACH) transaction. Money mule operations
often involve individuals in multiple countries.
malware is definitely on the rise. The number of distinct domains that
are compromised to download malware to connecting users is increasing
dramatically. The most dangerous aspect of this type of attack is the
fact that users do not need to do much to get infected. Many times, the
combination of malware on the website and vulnerabilities on web
browsers is enough to provoke infection just by connecting to the
website. The more popular the site, the higher the volume of potential
Recently there have been major shifts in the
compliance landscape. Although enforcement of existing regulations has
been weak in many jurisdictions worldwide, regulators and standards
bodies are now tightening enforcement through expanded powers, higher
penalties, and harsh enforcement actions. In the future it will be more
difficult to hide failures in information security wherever
organizations do business. Legislators are forcing transparency through
the introduction of breach notification laws in Europe, Asia, and North
America as data breach disclosure becomes a global principle.
more regulations are introduced, there is a trend toward increasingly
prescriptive rules. For example, recent amendments introduced in the
United Kingdom in 2011 bring arguably more prescriptive information
protection regulations to the Privacy and Electronic Communications
Directive. Such laws are discussed in more detailed later in this
chapter. Any global enterprise that does business in the United Kingdom
today will likely be covered by these regulations. Lately, regulators
are also making it clear that enterprises are responsible for ensuring
the protection of their data when it is being processed by a business
partner, including cloud service providers. The new era of compliance
creates formidable challenges for organizations worldwide.
many organizations, stricter compliance could help focus management
attention on security, but if managers take a “check-list approach” to
compliance, it will detract from actually managing risk and may not
improve security. The new compliance landscape will increase costs and
risks. For example, it takes time and resources to substantiate
compliance. Increased requirements for service providers give rise to
more third-party risks.
With more transparency, there
are now greater consequences for data breaches. For example, expect to
see more litigation as customers and business partners seek compensation
for compromised data. But the harshest judgments will likely come from
the court of public opinion, with the potential to permanently damage an
enterprise’s reputation.
The following are some of the U.S. and international regulations that many companies are subject to:
- Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX)
- Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA)
- Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA)
- Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
- Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)
- Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) in Canada
- European Union Data Protection Directive (EU 95/46/EC)
- Safe Harbor Act - European Union and United States
- International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards (Basel II)
- The challenge becomes to comply with these regulations and, at the same time, make that compliance translate into an effective security posture.
Adversaries, Methodologies, and Classes of Attack
are hackers? What motivates them? How do they conduct their attacks?
How do they manage to breach the measures we have in place to ensure
confidentiality, integrity, and availability? Which best practices can
we adopt to defeat hackers? These are some of the questions we try to
answer in this section.
People are social beings, and
it is quite common for systems to be compromised through social
engineering. Harm can be caused by people just trying to be “helpful.”
For example, in an attempt to be helpful, people have been known to give
their passwords over the phone to attackers who have a convincing
manner and say they are troubleshooting a problem and need to test
access using a real user password. End users must be trained, and
reminded, that the ultimate security of a system depends on their
Of course, people often cause harm within
organizations intentionally: most security incidents are caused by
insiders. Thus, strong internal controls on security are required, and
special organizational practices might need to be implemented.
example of a special organizational practice that helps to provide
security is the separation of duty, where critical tasks require two or
more persons to complete them, thereby reducing the risk of insider
threat. People are less likely to attack or misbehave if they are
required to cooperate with others.
Unfortunately, users
frequently consider security too difficult to understand. Software
often does not make security options or decisions easy for end users.
Also, users typically prefer “whatever” functionality to no
functionality. Implementation of security measures should not create an
internally generated DoS, meaning, if security is too stringent or too
cumbersome for users, either they will not have access to all the
resources needed to perform their work or their performance will be
hindered by the security operations.
defend against attacks on information and information systems,
organizations must begin to define the threat by identifying potential
adversaries. These adversaries can include the following:
- Nations or states
- Terrorists
- Criminals
- Hackers
- Corporate competitors
- Disgruntled employees
Government agencies, such as the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI)
comprise the most well-known outside threat to information systems.
They are not necessarily geniuses, but they are persistent people who
have taken a lot of time to learn their craft.
Many titles are assigned to hackers:
Hackers are computer enthusiasts who break into networks and systems to
learn more about them. Some hackers generally mean no harm and do not
expect financial gain. Unfortunately, hackers may unintentionally pass
valuable information on to people who do intend to harm the system.
Hackers are subdivided into the following categories:
- White hat (ethical hacker)
- Blue hat (bug tester)
- Gray hat (ethically questionable hacker)
- Black hat (unethical hacker)
(criminal hackers): Crackers are hackers with a criminal intent to harm
information systems. Crackers are generally working for financial gain
and are sometimes called black hat hackers.
Phreakers (phone
breakers): Phreakers pride themselves on compromising telephone systems.
Phreakers reroute and disconnect telephone lines, sell wiretaps, and
steal long-distance services.
describing individuals whose intent is to exploit a network
maliciously, these individuals are often incorrectly referred to as
hackers. In this section, the term hacker is used, but might refer to
someone more correctly referred to as a cracker, or black hat hacker.
kiddies: Script kiddies think of themselves as hackers, but have very
low skill levels. They do not write their own code; instead, they run
scripts written by other, more skilled attackers.
Hacktivists are individuals who have a political agenda in doing their
work. When government websites are defaced, this is usually the work of a
The goal of any hacker
is to compromise the intended target or application. Hackers begin with
little or no information about the intended target, but by the end of
their analysis, they have accessed the network and have begun to
compromise their target. Their approach is usually careful and
methodical, not rushed and reckless. The seven-step process that follows
is a good representation of the methods that hackers use:
- Step 1. Perform footprint analysis (reconnaissance).
- Step 2. Enumerate applications and operating systems.
- Step 3. Manipulate users to gain access.
- Step 4. Escalate privileges.
- Step 5. Gather additional passwords and secrets.
- Step 6. Install back doors.
- Step 7. Leverage the compromised system.
have become successful by thinking “outside the box.” This methodology
is meant to illustrate the steps that a structured attack might take.
Not all hackers will follow these steps in this order.
successfully hack into a system, hackers generally first want to know
as much as they can about the system. Hackers can build a complete
profile, or “footprint,” of the company security posture. Using a range
of tools and techniques, an attacker can discover the company domain
names, network blocks, IP addresses of systems, ports and services that
are used, and many other details that pertain to the company security
posture as it relates to the Internet, an intranet, remote access, and
an extranet. By following some simple advice, network administrators can
make footprinting more difficult.
After hackers have
completed a profile, or footprint, of your organization, they use tools
such as those in the list that follows to enumerate additional
information about your systems and networks. All these tools are readily
available to download, and the security staff should know how these
tools work. Additional tools (introduced later in the “Security Testing
Techniques” section) can also be used to gather information and
therefore hack.
- Netcat: Netcat is a featured networking utility that reads and writes data across network connections.
- Microsoft EPDump and Microsoft Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Dump: These tools provide information about Microsoft RPC services on a server.
- GetMAC: This application provides a quick way to find the MAC (Ethernet) layer address and binding order for a computer running Microsoft Windows locally or across a network.
- Software development kits (SDK): SDKs provide hackers with the basic tools that they need to learn more about systems.
common technique that hackers use is to manipulate users of an
organization to gain access to that organization. There are countless
cases of unsuspecting employees providing information to unauthorized
people simply because the requesters appear innocent or to be in a
position of authority. Hackers find names and telephone numbers on
websites or domain registration records by footprinting. Hackers then
directly contact these people by phone and convince them to reveal
passwords. Hackers gather information without raising any concern or
suspicion. This form of attack is called social engineering. One form of
a social engineering attack is for the hacker to pose as a visitor to
the company, a delivery person, a service technician, or some other
person who might have a legitimate reason to be on the premises and,
after gaining entrance, walk by cubicles and look under keyboards to see
whether anyone has put a note there containing the current password.
next thing the hacker typically does is review all the information that
they have collected about the host, searching for usernames, passwords,
and Registry keys that contain application or user passwords. This
information can help hackers escalate their privileges on the host or
network. If reviewing the information from the host does not reveal
useful information, hackers may launch a Trojan horse attack in an
attempt to escalate their privileges on the host. This type of attack
usually means copying malicious code to the user system and giving it
the same name as a frequently used piece of software.
the hacker has obtained higher privileges, the next task is to gather
additional passwords and other sensitive data. The targets now include
such things as the local security accounts manager database or the
Active Directory of a domain controller. Hackers use legitimate tools
such as pwdump and lsadump applications to gather passwords from
machines running Windows, which then can be cracked with the very
popular Cain & Abel software tool. By cross-referencing username and
password combinations, the hacker is able to obtain administrative
access to all the computers in the network.
If hackers
are detected trying to enter through the “front door,” or if they want
to enter the system without being detected, they try to use “back doors”
into the system. A back door is a method of bypassing normal
authentication to secure remote access to a computer while attempting to
remain undetected. The most common backdoor point is a listening port
that provides remote access to the system for users (hackers) who do not
have, or do not want to use, access or administrative privileges.
hackers gain administrative access, they enjoy hacking other systems on
the network. As each new system is hacked, the attacker performs the
steps that were outlined previously to gather additional system and
password information. Hackers try to scan and exploit a single system or
a whole set of networks and usually automate the whole process.
In addition, hackers will cover their tracks either by deleting log entries or falsifying them.
Thinking Outside the Box
2005, David Sternberg hacked the Postal Bank in Israel by physically
breaking into one of the bank’s branches in Haifa and connecting a
wireless access point in the branch’s IT infrastructure. Sternberg
rented office space about 100 feet from the bank and proceeded to
transfer funds to bank accounts in his name or in friends’ names.
instead of trying for months to break into the IT security of the bank,
Sternberg thought outside of the box and broke through physical
security to gain access to the IT system.
Sternberg was
discovered when bank auditors noticed regular transfers from the main
bank account to the same individual accounts.
I guess that Sternberg had not heard about the security axiom that says “predictability is the enemy of security.”
common thread in infosec forums is that information security
specialists must patch all security holes in a network—a hacker only has
to find the one that wasn’t patched. Security is like a chain. It is
only as strong as its weakest link.
Threats Classification
classifying security threats, it is common to find general categories
that resemble the perspective of the attacker and the approaches that
are used to exploit software. Attack patterns are a powerful mechanism
to capture and communicate the perspective of the attacker. These
patterns are descriptions of common methods for exploiting
vulnerabilities. The patterns derive from the concept of design patterns
that are applied in a destructive rather than constructive context and
are generated from in-depth analysis of specific, real-world exploit
examples. The following list illustrates examples of threat categories
that are based on this criterion. Notice that some threats are not
malicious attacks. Examples of nonmalicious threats include forces of
nature such as hurricanes and earthquakes.
Later in this chapter, you learn about some of the general categories under which threats can be regrouped, such as:
- Enumeration and fingerprinting
- Spoofing and impersonation
- Man-in-the-middle
- Overt and covert channels
- Blended threats and malware
- Exploitation of privilege and trust
- Confidentiality
- Password attacks
- Availability attacks
- Denial of service (DoS)
- Botnet
- Physical security attacks
- Forces of nature
assist in enhancing security throughout the security lifecycle, there
are many publicly available classification databases that provide a
catalog of attack patterns and classification taxonomies. They are aimed
at providing a consistent view and method for identifying, collecting,
refining, and sharing attack patterns for specific communities of
interest. The following are four of the most prominent databases:
- Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification (CAPEC): Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security as part of the software assurance strategic initiative of the National Cyber Security Division, the objective of this effort is to provide a publicly available catalog of attack patterns along with a comprehensive schema and classification taxonomy. More information can be found at
- Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Application Security Verification Standard (ASVS): OWASP is a not-for-profit worldwide charitable organization focused on improving the security of application software. The primary objective of ASVS is to normalize the range in the coverage and level of rigor available in the market when it comes to performing web application security verification using a commercially workable open standard. More information can be found at
- Web Application Security Consortium Threat Classification (WASC TC): Sponsored by the WASC, this is a cooperative effort to clarify and organize the threats to the security of a website. The project is aimed at developing and promoting industry-standard terminology for describing these issues. Application developers, security professionals, software vendors, and compliance auditors have the ability to access a consistent language and definitions for web security-related issues. More information can be found at
- Malware Attribute Enumeration and Characterization (MAEC): Created by MITRE, this effort is international in scope and free for public use. MAEC is a standardized language for encoding and communicating high-fidelity information about malware based on attributes such as behaviors, artifacts, and attack patterns. More information can be found at
Enumeration and Fingerprinting with Ping Sweeps and Port Scans
and fingerprinting are types of attacks that use legitimate tools for
illegitimate purposes. Some of the tools, such as port-scan and
ping-sweep applications, run a series of tests against hosts and devices
to identify vulnerable services that need attention. IP addresses and
port or banner data from both TCP and UDP ports are examined to gather
In an illegitimate situation, a port scan
is a series of messages sent by someone attempting to break into a
computer to learn which computer network services (each service is
associated with a well-known port number) the computer provides. Port
scanning can be automated to scan a range of TCP or UDP port numbers on a
host to detect listening services. Port scanning, a favorite computer
hacker approach, provides information to the hacker about where to probe
for weaknesses. Essentially, a port scan consists of sending a message
to each port, one at a time. The kind of response received indicates
whether the port is being used and needs further probing.
ping sweep, also known as an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
sweep, is a basic network-scanning technique that is used to determine
which IP addresses map to live hosts (computers). A ping sweep consists
of ICMP echo-requests (pings) sent to multiple hosts, whereas a single
ping consists of ICMP echo-requests that are sent to one specific host
computer. If a given address is live, that host returns an ICMP
echo-reply. The goal of the ping sweep is to find hosts available on the
network to probe for vulnerabilities. Ping sweeps are among the oldest
and slowest methods that are used to scan a network.
IP Spoofing Attacks
prime goal of an IP spoofing attack is to establish a connection that
allows the attacker to gain root access to the host and to create a
backdoor entry path into the target system.
IP spoofing
is a technique used to gain unauthorized access to computers whereby
the intruder sends messages to a computer with an IP address that
indicates the message is coming from a trusted host. The attacker learns
the IP address of a trusted host and modifies the packet headers so
that it appears that the packets are coming from that trusted host.
a high level, the concept of IP spoofing is easy to comprehend. Routers
determine the best route between distant computers by examining the
destination address, and ignore the source address. In a spoofing
attack, an attacker outside your network pretends to be a trusted
computer by using a trusted internal or external IP address.
an attacker manages to change the routing tables to divert network
packets to the spoofed IP address, the attacker can receive all the
network packets addressed to the spoofed address and reply just as any
trusted user can.
IP spoofing can also provide access
to user accounts and passwords. For example, an attacker can emulate one
of your internal users in ways that prove embarrassing for your
organization. The attacker could send email messages to business
partners that appear to have originated from someone within your
organization. Such attacks are easier to perpetrate when an attacker has
a user account and password, but they are also possible when attackers
combine simple spoofing attacks with their knowledge of messaging
A rudimentary use of IP spoofing also
involves bombarding a site with IP packets or ping requests, spoofing a
source, a third-party registered public address. When the destination
host receives the requests, it responds to what appears to be a
legitimate request. If multiple hosts are attacked with spoofed
requests, their collective replies to the third-party spoofed IP address
create an unsupportable flood of packets, thus creating a DoS attack.
Technical Discussion of IP Spoofing
works at Layer 3 and Layer 4 of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)
model, IP at Layer 3 and TCP at Layer 4. IP is a connectionless model,
which means that packet headers do not contain information about the
transaction state that is used to route packets on a network. There is
no method in place to ensure proper delivery of a packet to the
destination, since at Layer 3, there is no acknowledgement sent back to
the source by the destination once it has received the packet.
IP header contains the source and destination IP addresses. Using one
of several tools, an attacker can easily modify the source address
field. Note that in IP each datagram is independent of all others
because of the stateless nature of IP. To engage in IP spoofing, hackers
find the IP address of a trusted host and modify their own packet
headers to appear as though packets are coming from that trusted host
(source address).
TCP uses a connection-oriented
design. This design means that the participants in a TCP session must
first build a connection using the three-way handshake, as shown in
Figure 1-4.
Figure 1-4
Figure 1-4. TCP Three-Way Handshake
the connection is established, TCP ensures data reliability by applying
the same process to every packet as the two machines update one another
on progress. The sequence and acknowledgments take place as follows:
The client selects and transmits an initial sequence number.
The server acknowledges the initial sequence number and sends its own sequence number.
The client acknowledges the server sequence number, and the connection is open to data transmission.
Sequence Prediction
basis of IP spoofing during a TCP communication lies in an inherent
security weakness known as sequence prediction. Hackers can guess or
predict the TCP sequence numbers that are used to construct a TCP packet
without receiving any responses from the server. Their prediction
allows them to spoof a trusted host on a local network. To mount an IP
spoofing attack, the hacker listens to communications between two
systems. The hacker sends packets to the target system with the source
IP address of the trusted system, as shown in Figure 1-5.
Figure 1-5
Figure 1-5. Sequence Number Prediction
the packets from the hacker have the sequence numbers that the target
system is expecting, and if these packets arrive before the packets from
the real, trusted system, the hacker becomes the trusted host.
engage in IP spoofing, hackers must first use a variety of techniques
to find an IP address of a trusted host and then modify their packet
headers to appear as though packets are coming from that trusted host.
Further, the attacker can engage other unsuspecting hosts to generate
traffic that appears as though it too is coming from the trusted host,
thus flooding the network.
Trust Exploitation
Trust exploitation refers to an individual taking advantage of a trust relationship within a network.
an example of trust exploitation, consider the network shown in Figure
1-6, where system A is in the demilitarized zone (DMZ) of a firewall.
System B, located in the inside of the firewall, trusts System A. When a
hacker on the outside network compromises System A in the DMZ, the
attacker can leverage the trust relationship it has to gain access to
System A.
Figure 1-6
Figure 1-6. Trust Exploitation
DMZ can be seen as a semi-secure segment of your network. A DMZ is
typically used to provide to outside users access to corporate
resources, because these users are not allowed to reach inside servers
directly. However, a DMZ server might be allowed to reach inside
resources directly. In a trust exploitation attack, a hacker could hack a
DMZ server and use it as a springboard to reach the inside network.
Several trust models may exist in a network:
- Windows
- Domains
- Active Directory
- Linux and UNIX
- Network File System (NFS)
- Network Information Services Plus (NIS+)
- Password Attacks
attacks can be implemented using several methods, including brute-force
attacks, Trojan horse programs, IP spoofing, keyloggers, packet
sniffers, and dictionary attacks. Although packet sniffers and IP
spoofing can yield user accounts and passwords, password attacks usually
refer to repeated attempts to identify a user account, password, or
both. These repeated attempts are called brute-force attacks.
execute a brute-force attack, an attacker can use a program that runs
across the network and attempts to log in to a shared resource, such as a
server. When an attacker gains access to a resource, the attacker has
the same access rights as the rightful user. If this account has
sufficient privileges, the attacker can create a back door for future
access, without concern for any status and password changes to the
compromised user account.
Just as with packet sniffers
and IP spoofing attacks, a brute-force password attack can provide
access to accounts that attackers then use to modify critical network
files and services. For example, an attacker compromises your network
integrity by modifying your network routing tables. This trick reroutes
all network packets to the attacker before transmitting them to their
final destination. In such a case, an attacker can monitor all network
traffic, effectively becoming a man in the middle.
present a security risk if they are stored as plain text. Thus,
passwords must be encrypted in order to avoid risks. On most systems,
passwords are processed through an encryption algorithm that generates a
one-way hash on passwords. You cannot reverse a one-way hash back to
its original text. Most systems do not decrypt the stored password
during authentication; they store the one-way hash. During the login
process, you supply an account and password, and the password encryption
algorithm generates a one-way hash. The algorithm compares this hash to
the hash stored on the system. If the hashes are the same, the
algorithm assumes that the user supplied the proper password.
that passing the password through an algorithm results in a password
hash. The hash is not the encrypted password, but rather a result of the
algorithm. The strength of the hash is such that the hash value can be
re-created only by using the original user and password information, and
that it is impossible to retrieve the original information from the
hash. This strength makes hashes perfect for encoding passwords for
storage. In granting authorization, the hashes, rather than the
plain-text password, are calculated and compared.
Hackers use many tools and techniques to crack passwords:
- Word lists: These programs use lists of words, phrases, or other combinations of letters, numbers, and symbols that computer users often use as passwords. Hackers enter word after word at high speed (called a dictionary attack) until they find a match.
- Brute force: This approach relies on power and repetition. It compares every possible combination and permutation of characters until it finds a match. Brute force eventually cracks any password, but it might take a long, long time. Brute force is an extremely slow process because it uses every conceivable character combination.
- Hybrid crackers: Some password crackers mix the two techniques. This combines the best of both methods and is highly effective against poorly constructed passwords.
Password cracking attacks any application or service that accepts user authentication, including the following:
- NetBIOS over TCP (TCP 139)
- Direct host (TCP 445)
- FTP (TCP 21)
- Telnet (TCP 23)
- Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) (UDP 161)
- Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) (TCP 1723)
- Terminal services (TCP 3389)
is a compilation of hashes that provides crackers with a list that they
can use to attempt to match hashes that they capture with sniffers.
Confidentiality and Integrity Attacks
breaches can occur when an attacker attempts to obtain access to
read-sensitive data. These attacks can be extremely difficult to detect
because the attacker can copy sensitive data without the knowledge of
the owner and without leaving a trace.
confidentiality breach can occur simply because of incorrect file
protections. For instance, a sensitive file could mistakenly be given
global read access. Unauthorized copying or examination of the file
would probably be difficult to track without having some type of audit
mechanism running that logs every file operation. If a user had no
reason to suspect unwanted access, however, the audit file would
probably never be examined.
In Figure 1-7, the attacker
is able to compromise an exposed web server. Using this server as a
beachhead, the attacker then gains full access to the database server
from which customer data is downloaded. The attacker then uses
information from the database, such as a username, password, and email
address, to intercept and read sensitive email messages destined for a
user in the branch office. This attack is difficult to detect because
the attacker did not modify or delete any data. The data was only read
and downloaded. Without some kind of auditing mechanism on the server,
it is unlikely that this attack will be discovered.
Figure 1-7
Figure 1-7. Breach of Confidentiality
Attackers can use many methods to compromise confidentiality, the most common of which are as follows:
- Ping sweeps and port scanning: Searching a network host for open ports.
- Packet sniffing: Intercepting and logging traffic that passes over a digital network or part of a network.
- Emanations capturing: Capturing electrical transmissions from the equipment of an organization to deduce information regarding the organization.
- Overt channels: Listening on obvious and visible communications. Overt channels can be used for covert communication.
- Covert channels: Hiding information within a transmission channel that is based on encoding data using another set of events.
- Wiretapping: Monitoring the telephone or Internet conversations of a third party, often covertly.
- Social engineering: Using social skills or relationships to manipulate people inside the network to provide the information needed to access the network.
- Dumpster diving: Searching through company dumpsters or trash cans looking for information, such as phone books, organization charts, manuals, memos, charts, and other documentation that can provide a valuable source of information for hackers.
- Phishing: Attempting to criminally acquire sensitive information, such as usernames and passwords, by masquerading as trustworthy entities.
- Pharming: Redirecting the traffic of a website to another, rogue website.
of these methods are used to compromise more than confidentiality. They
are often elements of attacks on integrity and availability.
Man-in-the-Middle Attacks
complex form of IP spoofing is called man-in-the-middle attack, where
the hacker monitors the traffic that comes across the network and
introduces himself as a stealth intermediary between the sender and the
receiver, as shown in Figure 1-8.
Figure 1-8
Figure 1-8. IP Source Routing Attack
Hackers use man-in-the-middle attacks to perform many security violations:
- Theft of information
- Hijacking of an ongoing session to gain access to your internal network resources
- Analysis of traffic to derive information about your network and its users
- DoS
- Corruption of transmitted data
- Introduction of new information into network sessions
are blind or nonblind. A blind attack interferes with a connection that
takes place from outside, where sequence and acknowledgment numbers are
unreachable. A nonblind attack interferes with connections that cross
wiring used by the hacker. A good example of a blind attack can be found
session hijacking is a common variant of the man-in-the-middle attack.
The attacker sniffs to identify the client and server IP addresses and
relative port numbers. The attacker modifies his or her packet headers
to spoof TCP/IP packets from the client, and then waits to receive an
ACK packet from the client communicating with the server. The ACK packet
contains the sequence number of the next packet that the client is
expecting. The attacker replies to the client using a modified packet
with the source address of the server and the destination address of the
client. This packet results in a reset that disconnects the legitimate
client. The attacker takes over communications with the server by
spoofing the expected sequence number from the ACK that was previously
sent from the legitimate client to the server. (This could also be an
attack against confidentiality.)
Another cleaver
man-in-the-middle attack is for the hacker to successfully introduce
himself as the DHCP server on the network, providing its own IP address
as the default gateway during the DHCP offer.
this point, having read about many different attacks, you might be
concerned that the security of your network is insufficient. Do not
despair: many of the attacks described here are mitigated by techniques
explained in this book or in other Cisco Press security books, such as
CCNP Security SECURE 642-637 Official Cert Guide.
Overt and Covert Channels
Overt and covert channels refer to the capability to hide information within or using other information:
- Overt channel: A transmission channel that is based on tunneling one protocol inside of another. It could be a clear-text transmission inserted inside another clear-text protocol header.
- Covert channel: A transmission channel that is based on encoding data using another set of events. The data is concealed.
are numerous ways that Internet protocols and the data that is
transferred over them can provide overt and covert channels. The bad
news is that firewalls generally cannot detect these channels;
therefore, attackers can use them to receive confidential information in
an unauthorized manner.
With an overt channel, one
protocol is tunneled within another to bypass the security policy; for
example, Telnet over FTP, instant messaging over HTTP, and IP over Post
Office Protocol version 3 (POP3). Another example of an overt channel is
using watermarks in JPEG images to leak confidential information.
common use of overt channel is for instant messaging (IM). Most
organization firewalls allow outbound HTTP but block IM. A user on the
inside of the network can leak confidential information using IM over an
HTTP session.
In Figure 1-9, the firewall allows
outbound HTTP while a user on the inside of the network is leaking
confidential information using instant messaging over HTTP.
Figure 1-9
Figure 1-9. Overt Channel
can use the advanced protocol inspection in the Cisco IPS products and
Cisco ASA 5500 series appliances to counter attacks such as a hidden IM
session being sent inside HTTP.
Steganography is
another example of an overt channel. Steganography (from the Greek word
steganos, meaning “covered” or “secret”) literally means covered or
secret writing. The combination of CPU power and interest in privacy has
led to the development of techniques for hiding messages in digital
pictures and digitized audio.
For example, certain bits
of a digital graphic can be used to hide messages. The key to knowing
which bits are special is shared between two parties that want to
communicate privately. The private message typically has so few bits
relative to the total number of bits in the image that changing them is
not visually noticeable. Without a direct comparison of the original and
the processed image, it is practically impossible to tell that anything
has been changed. Still, it might be detected by statistical analysis
that detects non-randomness. This non-randomness in a file indicates
that information is being passed inside of the file.
Steganography is very difficult to detect or prevent.
a covert channel, information is encoded as another set of events. For
example, an attacker could install a Trojan horse on a target host. The
Trojan horse could be written to send binary information back to the
server of the attacker. The client, infected with the Trojan horse,
could return to the hacker’s server a ping status report in a binary
format, where a 0 would represent a successful ping over a one-minute
period, and a 1 would represent two successful pings over a one-minute
period. The hacker could keep connectivity statistics for all the
compromised clients he has around the world.
If ICMP is
not permitted through a firewall, another tactic is to have the client
visit the web page of the attacker. The Trojan horse software, now
installed on the client, has a “call home” feature that automatically
opens a connection to TCP port 80 at a specific IP address, the address
of the hacker’s web server. All of this work is done so that the hacker
can keep precise statistics of how many compromised workstations he
possesses around the world. One visit per day would be represented by a
1, and no visits would be represented by a 0. As you might imagine, this
technique is usually quite limited in bandwidth.
Covert channels are very difficult to detect or prevent.
Phishing, Pharming, and Identity Theft
theft continues to be a problem. In computing, phishing is an attempt
to criminally acquire sensitive information, such as usernames,
passwords, and credit card details, by masquerading as a trustworthy
entity. Phishing is typically carried out by email or instant message
(IM), although sometimes phone contact is attempted; the phisher often
directs users to enter details at a website, as shown on the left in
Figure 1-10. Phishing is an example of social engineering.
Figure 1-10
Figure 1-10. Phishing and Pharming Attacks
variation on phishing is spear phishing. In this case, a hacker sends
an email that appears genuine to all the employees of an organization
and hopes that a few get hooked. As an example, the email could say:
“This is Christina, your HR director. The Automatic Payment organization
which processes your pay is unable to do so this week. Please email me
directly your banking information, and I will ensure that your pay is
directly deposited in your bank account for Thursday morning.”
also illustrated in Figure 1-10, is an attack aimed at redirecting the
traffic of a website to another website. Pharming is conducted either by
changing the hosts file on a victim computer or by exploiting a
vulnerable Domain Name System (DNS) server. Pharming has become a major
concern to businesses hosting e-commerce and online banking websites.
software and spyware-removal software cannot protect against pharming.
Additional methods are needed such as server-side software, DNS
protection, and web browser protection.
To protect
against pharming, organizations implement “personalization”
technologies, such as user-chosen images on the login page. Consider
also supporting identified email initiatives such as DomainKeys
Identified Mail (DKIM); these initiatives are beyond the scope of this
Availability Attacks
DoS attacks
attempt to compromise the availability of a network, host, or
application. They are considered a major risk because they can easily
interrupt a business process and cause significant loss. These attacks
are relatively simple to conduct, even by an unskilled attacker.
DoS attacks are usually the consequence of one of the following:
- The failure of a host or application to handle an unexpected condition, such as maliciously formatted input data or an unexpected interaction of system components.
- The inability of a network, host, or application to handle an enormous quantity of data, which crashes the system or brings it to a halt. Even if the firewall protects the corporate web server sitting on the DMZ from receiving a large amount of data and thus from crashing, the link connecting the corporation with its service provider will be totally clogged, and this bandwidth starvation will itself be a DoS.
Hackers can use many types of attacks to compromise availability:
- Botnets
- DoS
- DDoS
- SYN floods
- ICMP floods
- Electrical power
- Computer environment
Many availability attacks can be used against confidentiality and integrity.
is a term for a collection of software robots, or bots, that run
autonomously and automatically. They run on groups of “zombie” computers
controlled by crackers.
Although the term botnet can
be used to refer to any group of bots, it is generally used to refer to a
collection of compromised systems running worms, Trojan horses, or back
doors, under a common command and control infrastructure. The
originator of a botnet controls the group of computers remotely, usually
through a means such as Internet Relay Chat (IRC).
the command and control takes place via an IRC server or a specific
channel on a public IRC network. A bot typically runs hidden. Generally,
the attacker has compromised a large number of systems using various
methods, such as exploits, buffer overflows, and so on. Newer bots
automatically scan their environment and propagate using detected
vulnerabilities and weak passwords. Sometimes a controller will hide an
IRC server installation on an educational or corporate site, where
high-speed connections can support a large number of other bots.
botnets have been found and removed from the Internet. The Dutch police
found a 1.5-million node botnet
(, and the Norwegian ISP
Telenor disbanded a 10,000-node botnet. Large, coordinated international
efforts to shut down botnets have also been initiated. Some estimates
indicate that up to 25 percent of all personal computers are part of a
botnet (
DoS and DDoS Attacks
attacks are the most publicized form of attack. They are also among the
most difficult to eliminate. A DoS attack on a server sends an
extremely large volume of requests over a network or the Internet. These
large volumes of requests cause the attacked server to slow down
dramatically. Consequently, the attacked server becomes unavailable for
legitimate access and use.
DoS attacks differ from most
other attacks because DoS attacks do not try to gain access to your
network or the information on your network. These attacks focus on
making a service unavailable for normal use. Attackers typically
accomplish this by exhausting some resource limitation on the network or
within an operating system or application. These attacks typically
require little effort to execute because they either take advantage of
protocol weaknesses or use traffic normally allowed into a network. DoS
attacks are among the most difficult to completely eliminate because of
the way they use protocol weaknesses and accepted traffic to attack a
network. Some hackers regard DoS attacks as trivial and in bad form
because they require so little effort to execute. Still, because of
their ease of implementation and potentially significant damage, DoS
attacks deserve special attention from security administrators.
administrators can install software fixes to limit the damage caused by
all known DoS attacks. However, as with viruses, hackers constantly
develop new DoS attacks.
A DDoS attack generates much
higher levels of flooding traffic by using the combined bandwidth of
multiple machines to target a single machine or network. The DDoS attack
enlists a network of compromised machines that contain a remotely
controlled agent, or zombie, attack program. A master control mechanism
provides direction and control. When the zombies receive instructions
from the master agent, they each begin generating malicious traffic
aimed at the victim.
DDoS attacks are the “next
generation” of DoS attacks on the Internet. This type of attack is not
new. UDP and TCP SYN flooding, ICMP echo-request floods, and ICMP
directed broadcasts (also known as Smurf attacks) are similar to DDoS
attacks; however, the scope of the attack is new. Victims of DDoS
attacks experience packet flooding from many different sources, possibly
spoofed IP source addresses, which brings their network connectivity to
a grinding halt. In the past, the typical DoS attack involved a single
attempt to flood a target host with packets. With DDoS tools, an
attacker can conduct the same attack using thousands of systems.
Figure 1-11 shows the process of a DDoS attack:
- The hacker uses a host to scan for systems to hack.
- After the hacker accesses handler systems, the hacker installs zombie software on them to scan, compromise, and infect agent systems.
- Remote control attack software is loaded on agent systems.
- When the hacker issues instructions to handlers on how to carry out the DDoS attack.
Figure 1-11
Figure 1-11. DDoS Attack
Stacheldracht, which means “barbed-wire” in German, is a well-known tool used to conduct DDoS.
Blended Threats
actual breach and vulnerability exploit is often accomplished using a
combination of malware that infects, propagates, and delivers its
payload following different techniques associated with traditional
malware. Known as blended threats, these attack mechanisms combine the
characteristics of viruses, worms, Trojan horses, spyware, and other
A blended threat will exploit a vulnerability
such as a buffer overflow or lack of HTTP input validation. Such attacks
can spread without human intervention by scanning for other hosts to
infect, embedding code in HTML, or by spamming, to name a few methods.
threats plant Trojans and back doors. They are often part of botnet
attacks, which try to raise privilege levels, create network shares, and
steal data.
Most blended attacks are considered “zero
day,” meaning that they have not been previously identified. Blended
attacks are ever-evolving and pretested by cybercriminals on common
antivirus products before they are released. These threats easily breach
firewalls and open channels, and they represent a challenge to detect
and mitigate.
Offline Versus Online Password Cracking
cracking techniques can be classified as offline or online. Offline
password cracking involves having the hashed result of the original
password. At its own pace, the hacker could try hashing different
combinations of characters until one of the hash results matches the
hash of the original password. Online password cracking involves, as an
example, different combinations of password on a live system. It is more
difficult to achieve success with this method because most login pages
lock after a certain number of unsuccessful login attempts.
Principles of Secure Network Design
planning an overall strategy for security architecture design, sound
principles are needed to accomplish an effective security posture. The
selective combination of these principles provides the fundamentals for
threat mitigation within the context of a security policy and risk
- Defense in depth: This is an umbrella term that encompasses many of the other guidelines in this list. It is defined by architectures based on end-to-end security, using a layered approach. The objective is to create security domains and separate them by different types of security controls. The concept also defines redundancy of controls, where the failure of one layer is mitigated by the existence of other layers of controls.
- Compartmentalization: Creating security domains is crucial. Different assets with different values should reside in different security domains, be it physically or logically. Granular trust relationships between compartments would mitigate attacks that try to gain a foothold in lower-security domains to exploit high-value assets in higher-security domains.
- Least privilege: This principle applies a need-to-know approach to trust relationships between security domains. The idea, which originated in military and intelligence operations, is that if fewer people know about certain information, the risk of unauthorized access is diminished. In network security, this results in restrictive policies, where access to and from a security domain is allowed only for the required users, application, or network traffic. Everything else is denied by default.
- Weakest link: This is a fundamental concept—a security system is as effective as its weakest link. A layered approach to security, with weaker or less protected assets residing in separated security domains, mitigates the necessary existence of these weakest links. Humans are often considered to be the weakest link in information security architectures.
- Separation and rotation of duties: This is the concept of developing systems where more than one individual is required to complete a certain task. The principle is that this requirement can mitigate fraud and error. This applies to information security controls, and it applies to both technical controls and human procedures to manage those controls.
- Hierarchically trusted components and protection: This principle applies a hierarchical approach to the compartmentalization and least privilege ideas, aiming at providing a more structured approach to data classification and security controls. The concept assumes that the hierarchy will be easier to implement and manage, resulting in similarly manageable and compartmentalized security controls.
- Mediated access: This principle is based on centralizing security controls to protect groups of assets or security domains. In that sense, firewalls, proxies, and other security controls act on behalf of the assets they are designed to protect, and mediate the trust relationships between security domains. Special considerations should be in place to prevent the mediation component from becoming a single point of failure.
- Accountability and traceability: This concept implies the existence of risk and the ability to manage and mitigate it, and not necessarily avoid or remove it. Information security architectures should provide mechanisms to track activity of users, attackers, and even security administrators. They should include provisions for accountability and nonrepudiation. This principle translates into specific functions, such as security audits, event management and monitoring, forensics, and others.
has always been a proponent of defense in depth. This was made clear in
2000 when it released its Cisco SAFE Blueprint for enterprise (SAFE is
not an acronym), where it laid out its vision for defense in depth.
Defense in Depth
the fact that a security system is only as strong as its weakest link
is often difficult when designing a system’s security. The complexity of
modern systems makes it hard to identify each individual weak link, let
alone the weakest one. Thus, it is often most desirable to eliminate
possible weaknesses by instituting several concurrent security methods.
information and systems against all threats requires multiple,
overlapping protection approaches that address the human, technological,
and operational aspects of information technology. Using multiple,
overlapping protection approaches ensures that the system is never
unprotected from the failure or circumvention of any individual
protection approach.
When a system is designed and
implemented, its quality should always be questioned through design
reviews and testing. Identification of various failure modes might help a
designer evaluate the probability of element failure, and identify the
links that are the most critical for the security of the whole system.
Many systems have a security-based single point of failure, an element
of functionality or protection that, if compromised, would cause the
compromise of the whole system. It is desirable to eliminate or at least
harden such single points of failure in a high-assurance system.
Defense in depth is a philosophy that provides layered security to a system by using multiple security mechanisms:
- Security mechanisms should back each other up and provide diversity and redundancy of protection.
- Security mechanisms should not depend on each other, so that their security does not depend on other factors outside their control.
- Using defense in depth, you can eliminate single points of failure and augment weak links in the system to provide stronger protection with multiple layers.
The defense-in-depth strategy recommends several principles:
- Defend in multiple places: Given that insiders or outsiders can attack a target from multiple points, an organization must deploy protection mechanisms at multiple locations to resist all classes of attacks. At a minimum, you should include three defensive focus areas:
- Defend the networks and infrastructure: Protect the local- and wide-area communications networks from attacks, such as DoS attacks. Provide confidentiality and integrity protection for data that is transmitted over the networks; for example, use encryption and traffic flow security measures to resist passive monitoring.
- Defend the enclave boundaries: Deploy firewalls and intrusion detection systems (IDS) or intrusion prevention systems (IPS) or both to resist active network attacks.
- Defend the computing environment: Provide access controls and host intrusion prevention systems (HIPS) on hosts and servers to resist insider, close-in, and distribution attacks.
- Build layered defenses: Even the best available information assurance products have inherent weaknesses. Therefore, it is only a matter of time before an adversary finds an exploitable vulnerability. An effective countermeasure is to deploy multiple defense mechanisms between the adversary and the target. Each of these mechanisms must present unique obstacles to the adversary. Further, each mechanism should include both protection and detection measures. These measures increase the risk of detection for adversaries while reducing their chances of success, or make successful penetrations unaffordable. One example of a layered defense is to have nested firewalls (each coupled with IDS or IPS) that are deployed at outer and inner network boundaries. The inner firewalls may support more granular access control and data filtering.
- Use robust components: Specify the security robustness (that is, strength and assurance) of each information assurance component as a function of the value of what it is protecting and the threat at the point of application. For example, it is often more effective and operationally suitable to deploy stronger mechanisms at the network boundaries than at the user desktop.
- Employ robust key management: Deploy robust encryption key management and public key infrastructures that support all the incorporated information assurance technologies and that are highly resistant to attack.
- Deploy an IDS or IPS: Deploy infrastructures to detect and prevent intrusions and to analyze and correlate the results and react accordingly.
These infrastructures should help the operations staff answer the following questions:
- Am I under attack?
- Who is the source?
- What is the target?
- Who else is under attack?
- What are my options?
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